National Youth Computer Education and Training
NYCET - Courses
1. Certificate in Computer Application ( NYCET - C.C.A.)
Modules Covered
Computer Fundamentals
MS-Office (Word, Excel,PowerPoint)
Internet & e-mail
Duration 6 Months
Lump sum Fee Rs. 2,500/-
Installment Fee Rs. 2,750/- [750/- + 400/- x 5]
2. Diploma in Computer Application ( NYCET - D.C.A.)
Modules Covered
Computer Fundamentals
MS-Office (Word, Excel,PowerPoint)
Internet & e-mail
Concept of programming language
(algorithm & flow chart)
HTML, VB, Concept of
Concept on C Language
Project with HTML
Duration 12 Months
Lump sum Fee Rs. 7,000/-
Installment Fee Rs. 7500/- [2000/-/- + 500/- x 11]
3 Advance Diploma in computer application ( NYCET - ADCA)
Modules Covered
1st & 2nd Sem.same as DCA
And 3rd semester –
C Language, JAVA Script,,
Concept of Java
Duration 18 Months
Lump sum Fee Rs. 9,000/-
Installment Fee Rs. 10,000/- [ 1000/- + 600/- x 15]
4. Certificate Desk Top Publishing ( NYCET - C.D.T.P.)
Modules Covered
Computer Fundamentals
MS-Office (Word, Excel)
Adobe Page Maker
Concept of Bengali Typing
Scanning & Printing
Duration 6 Months
Lump sum Fee Rs. 3,000/-
Installment Fee Rs. 3,500/- [1000/- + 500/- x 5]
5. Diploma in Desk Top Publishing ( NYCET - D.D.T.P.)
Modules Covered
1st sem. Same as CDTP
And 2nd Sem
Adobe Photoshop
Bengali & English Typing
Using Multilingual Software.
Editing Images for Publication
Internet & Email
Duration 12 Months
Lump sum Fee Rs. 6,800/-
Installment Fee Rs. 7,500/- [1000/- + 650/- x 10]
6. Certificate in Financial Accounting ( NYCET - C.F.A.)
Modules Covered
Computer Fundamentals
MS-Office (Word, Excel)
Concept of Accountancy
Duration 6 Months
Lump sum Fee Rs. 3,000/-
Installment Fee Rs. 3,500/- [1000/- + 500/- x 5]
7. Diploma in Financial Accounting ( NYCET - D.F.A.)
Modules Covered
1st sem. Same as C.F.A.
And 2nd Sem..
Concept & Calculation of VAT& TDS
Calculation of FBT, Service Tax& CST
Interest Calculation & Budget
Duration 12 Months
Lump sum Fee Rs. 6,800/-
Installment Fee Rs. 7,500/- [1000/- + 650/- x 10]
8. Certificate in computer Hardware & Maintenance ( NYCET - CCHM)
Modules Covered
Windows(Control Panel)
Basic Hardware Theory
Hardware Peripherals
Basic of Digital Electronics
O.S Installation
Software Installation
Concept of Troubleshooting
Concept of various Printers, Scanner
General Formatting
Duration 3 Months.
Lump sum Fee Rs. 5,000/-
Installment Fee Rs. 5,500/- [2500/- + 1500/- x 2]
9. Diploma in Computer Hardware & Maintenance ( NYCET - DCHM)
Modules Covered
1st sem. Same as CCHM
And 2nd sem-
Details about new & old Generation peripherals (device)
[SMPS, Motherboard, RAM, HDD, Micro Processor, Etc]
Old & New Machine Repairing (Practical) [P1, P2, P3, P4, Dual Core,
C2D, i3, i5, i7, Etc]
Partition & Backup
Various Devices Installation (Printer, Scanner, Internet Device, Camera)
Concept of Basic Networking
Understanding Laptop
Duration 6 Months.
Lump sum Fee Rs. 9,000/-
Installment Fee Rs. 10,000/- [2500/- + 1500/- x 5]
10. Advance Diploma in Computer Hardware & Networking ( NYCET -ADCHN)
Modules Covered
1st sem. & 2nd sem. Same as DCHM
And 3nd sem.—
Basic Networking
Type of Networking (Pear to pear networking, Client Server Networking)
Networking Cabling
Protocol suite
IP Address
Server O.S (windows)
Proxy Server
Duration 12 Months.
Lump sum Fee Rs. 16,000/-
Installment Fee Rs. 17,500/- [2500/- + 1500/- x 10]-
11. Mobile Repairing
Hardwere & Softwere
Duration 4 Months.
Lump sum Fee Rs. 7,500/-
Installment Fee Rs. 8,400/- [3000/- + 1800/- x 3]
12. Diploma In Office Management ( NYCET - D.O.M)
Modules Covered
Computer Fundamentals
DOS & Windows
MS-Office (Word, Excel, Power point)
O.S Installation
Software Installation
Concept of Troubleshooting
Network Interface, Utility & Sharing
Tally with GST
CorelDraw / Photoshop
Internet & Email
Duration 12 Months.
Lump sum Fee Rs. 11,000/-
Installment Fee Rs. 12,500/- [1000/- + 750/- x 10]-
13. NYCET - Smart Courses
Modules Covered
Computer Fundamentals
Microsoft Word
Introduction of Excel
Internet & e-mail
Duration 3 Months
Lump sum Fee Rs. 1600/-
Installment Fee Rs. 1750/-(750/- + 500 x 2)
14. NYCET School Course:-
Class-(v to viii)
Admission fees=400/-
15. NYCET Kids Course:-
(Up to Class iv)
Admission fees=400
16. AutoCAD
Modules Covered
Computer Fundamentals
Auto CAD
Duration 4 Months
Lump sum Fee Rs. 5,500/-
Installment Fee Rs. 6,200/- [2000/- + 1400/- x 3]
NYCET Others Short Courses
C-03 MS-Word . 1000/-
C-04 MS-Excel 1200/-
C-05 MS-PowerPoint. 800/-
C-06 MS-Access 1,200/-
C-07 Adobe PageMaker 2,500/-
C-08 Corel Draw 3,500/-
C-09 Adobe Photoshop 4,000/-
C-10 Internet . 1,000/-
C-11 HTML, DHTML & Java Script 5,000/-
C-12 HTML & DHTML 3,500/-
C-13 Java Script 2,000/-
C-14 FoxPro Database & Programming. 2,500/-
C-15 C Programming . 3,500/-
C-16 C++ Programming 3,500/-
C-17 C & C++ Programming 6,200/-
C-18 Visual Basic . 4,000/-
C-19 Oracle X / SQL . 4,000/-
C-20 AutoCAD 3,500/-
C-21 Macromedia Flash 5,500/-
C-22 Tally 2,500/-
C-23 Spoken English with Interview Skill 3,200
C-23 Advance Spoken English with Interview Skill
& Personality Development 8,200